Wyoming Teacher Suspended for Providing Students with E-Cigarettes and Marijuana Gummies

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According to WNEP, a female teacher in Wyoming was suspended for allegedly providing e-cigarettes and cannabis gummies to students.

In recent days, according to WNEP, a female teacher in Wyoming County has been suspended for providing nicotine e-cigarettes and cannabis gummies to students on campus.

Sarah Kester, a 34-year-old female teacher, has been formally charged with corrupting minors and is currently suspended from her job with pay. Kester has been released on $7,500 bail and is scheduled for a preliminary hearing at the Luzerne County Central Court on January 23rd.

According to authorities, it has been revealed that Kester provided a group of students with gummy candies laced with Delta-8 THC, which is a cannabis product. The intoxicating effects of Delta-8 THC, as stated by the FDA, are similar to the brain-active chemical compound Delta-9 THC found in marijuana. Additionally, Kester also supplied these students with nicotine e-cigarettes and encouraged them to egg her ex-boyfriend’s house, but the students refused.

Kester’s lawyer stated that although she has been temporarily suspended, she is still receiving her salary.

The school district in Wyoming has released a statement announcing the initiation of an investigation into this matter. We express deep regret for the students and community impacted and offer psychological counseling services to the affected students. We encourage everyone to report any additional information about this incident to the local authorities.

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