Urgent Need for E-cigarette and E-liquid Regulation in Malaysia

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Malaysia’s Minister of Youth and Sports, Hannah Yeoh, calls for immediate regulation of e-cigarettes and e-liquids, stating their potential danger.

According to a report from Malaysia’s The Star on November 21, Malaysian Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh has urged for immediate regulation of e-cigarettes and e-liquids. This is not only crucial within the athlete community, but also among the general public.

On the same day, she delivered the closing remarks at the ministerial-level meeting, stating that her department had issued a decree designating the premises under its jurisdiction as smoke-free areas and prohibiting e-cigarettes.

Yang stated that e-cigarettes are among the items prohibited from being brought into sports stadiums. Other items on the list include cigarettes, lighters, power banks, and umbrellas, as they are classified as potentially endangering others.

She stated that “security administrators will conduct physical examinations on individuals entering the sports stadium, while health department officials will monitor and impose fines on individuals smoking or using e-cigarettes inside the premises.”

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