Uncovering Illegal Tobacco and E-cigarette Sales in a UK Retail Store

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UK Trading Standards seizes £50k worth of illegal tobacco and e-cigarette products in Stoke-on-Trent. Store sold to minors.

According to a report by BBC on November 23rd, the British Trading Standards Agency seized an illegal batch of tobacco and e-cigarette products worth £50,000 at a tobacco retail store in Stoke-on-Trent.

It is alleged that these illegal products were discovered after Trade Standards Bureau officials reportedly assigned two 15-year-old children to purchase e-cigarettes.

The Trade Standards Bureau reports that despite being underage, these individuals were still sold e-cigarettes at this store. However, these e-cigarettes also exceed the legally allowed e-liquid capacity by 15 times (i.e. 30ml).

The Bureau of Trade Standards seized several products from the retail store, including counterfeit cigarettes from 11 different brands and disposable e-cigarettes from 7 brands. These e-cigarettes not only exceeded the allowed e-liquid capacity but also displayed inaccurate health warnings on the packaging.

Amjid Wazir, a member of parliament, has expressed deep concern about the prevalent illegal sale of tobacco and e-cigarettes in the community, particularly to underage buyers.

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