UK E-cigarette Retailer Evapo CEO Calls for Increased Penalties for Illegal Sales

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UK e-cigarette retailer Evapo’s CEO, Andrej Kuttruf, calls for higher fines for illegal e-cigarette sales, citing potential harm to consumers.

According to a report by Salisbury Journal on November 16th, Andrej Kuttruf, the CEO of British e-cigarette retailer Evapo, has recently called on the UK government to impose higher fines on businesses selling illegal e-cigarettes. Kuttruf expressed concern that the black market sale of illegal e-cigarette products is posing potential harmful effects on consumers and endangering the overall health competition within the industry.

Recently, Kutrov is expanding its e-cigarette business to Salisbury, a city in the southern part of England. They have discovered several new shops selling illegal e-cigarettes, with three of them being subjected to surprise inspections by the local market regulatory department on November 10th.

Mr. Koutrov expressed his deep concern over the public health impact brought about by the sale of illegal e-cigarettes. He stated that these illicit products have not undergone quality assurance testing, leaving consumers uninformed about the composition of the products. Suppliers, driven solely by quick profits, disregard the potential presence of harmful substances in the products.

Furthermore, he also noted that the sale of cheap illegal e-cigarettes by non-compliant merchants may result in cut-throat competition within the e-cigarette industry.

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