The Surging Trend of E-Cigarette Use Among Young People in Ho Chi Minh City

Rapid Popularity of E-cigarettes Among Youth in Ho Chi Minh City
E-cigarette is rapidly gaining popularity among youths in Ho Chi Minh City despite health risks, companies employing targeted advertising strategies.

According to the information from the Ho Chi Minh City Disease Control Center, e-cigarettes are rapidly gaining popularity among young people in an enticing manner. These products are uniquely designed, user-friendly, and have novel scents, leading young people to overlook the health risks. E-cigarette manufacturers employ carefully crafted advertising and sales strategies to attract young consumers, even hiring influencers on social media to promote their products.

According to the principal of Kim Hee High School in Ho Chi Minh City, the school is taking a series of measures to prevent students from using e-cigarettes. These measures include monitoring students’ activities on campus, conducting regular anti-smoking campaigns, and even collaborating with the police to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking. Students caught violating the smoking rules will face strict disciplinary actions.

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