Teachers Unite Against E-cigarettes to Protect Youth in India

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Indian teachers join forces to oppose e-cigarettes and protect young people from their harmful effects.

According to the Indian media outlet Dailypioneer, teachers from several mainstream schools in India have joined forces to sound the battle cry against e-cigarettes through the “Teachers Against E-Cigarettes” platform, in order to protect vulnerable youth from its threats.

On November 14th, on the occasion of India’s Children’s Day, they wrote a letter to Dharmendra Pradhan, the Minister of Education, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, urging the initiation of nationwide awareness campaigns to enhance public awareness of the risks associated with all forms of e-cigarettes.

In addition, they emphasized the need to promote among other teachers, parents, and children, the legal provisions prohibiting the manufacturing, sale, or possession of such devices.

In addition, these teachers also support a group called “Mothers Against E-Cigarettes,” which consists of a collective of concerned mothers in India who are worried about foreign manufacturers promoting these products among young people.

They allege that the international tobacco companies are disseminating information misleadingly, by exaggerating the minimal harm of the new e-cigarettes compared to traditional tobacco, in order to gain a new market. Additionally, they accuse some unsuspecting marketers of viewing schools as hunting grounds and employing covert tactics to systematically promote these products.

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