Suspected Tax Evasion Case Involving an Italian E-Cigarette Dealer Unfolds in Bari City

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An e-cigarette dealer in the city of Biella, Italy, is accused of evading €3.4 million in taxes.

According to an Italian e-cigarette industry media, sigmagazine, a distributor of e-cigarettes in the city of Biella, Italy, is facing accusations of evading taxes amounting to 3.4 million euros. Regulatory authorities have seized 1.2 million euros from the accused individual.

The dealer primarily engages in the e-cigarette and e-liquid business. Investigations have shown that the dealer evades taxes in Italy by establishing company structures in other European countries to mimic purchasing and selling products abroad. It is important to note that these operations actually take place within Italy, through online sales and physical stores in Biella, Cossato, Santhià (Samo), and Ivrea (Turin).

Investigators have pointed out that the dealer used a unique method to conceal sales proceeds. He requested customers to provide prepaid cards under his name. When customers needed to make purchases, they simply placed orders and topped up the prepaid cards owned by the seller. The seller would then extract the funds and deliver the ordered products. This practice resulted in a hidden taxable base of over €4 million, evading a total of €3.4 million in value-added tax and consumption tax.

According to sources, Italian law enforcement agencies have been tirelessly combating illegal activities associated with e-cigarettes and tobacco. It is crucial to acknowledge that the lawless frontier of the past is gradually fading away and should not make a comeback. However, there still exist unlawful behaviors that need to be uncovered and tackled, and this operation serves as a strong testament to addressing this issue.

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