Stricter Laws and Bans: Key to Preventing Widespread Tobacco Use in Bangladesh


Strict enforcement of laws, ban on e-cigarettes, and control of public smoking are vital in preventing widespread tobacco use in Bangladesh, experts observe.

According to a report by Newagebd on October 31st, experts in Bangladesh have observed that strict enforcement of laws, banning e-cigarettes, and regulating smoking in public places are key measures to prevent widespread use of tobacco products in the country.

They pointed out that the government has played a dual standard role in the tobacco issue, as it announced the goal of achieving a smoke-free society by 2040. However, authorities have consistently praised tobacco merchants as the largest taxpayers.

Arup Ratan Chowdhury, the founder of the Drug Abuse Prevention Association (MANAS), has stated that large tobacco and cigarette manufacturers have been lobbying in their business, claiming to be the largest taxpayers of excise duty and value-added tax.

Speaking further, Qiao Duli stated that e-cigarettes pose a new emerging threat to public health and safety in the country, and therefore, must be fully banned immediately. He believes that e-cigarettes exacerbate the smoking habits among women.

Arefin Siddique, former Vice Chancellor of Dhaka University, has highlighted the rampant prevalence of smoking across the nation and emphasized the urgent need to address these issues.

Mursalin Nomani, President of the DRU, has acknowledged the crucial role played by the media and its professionals in promoting tobacco control. He highlighted that despite the banning of tobacco ads, smoking scenes continue to be depicted in television shows and films.

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