Strategic Approach to Combat Drug Abuse: Comprehensive Policy and Action Plan

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The Sindh Provincial Health Department and its partners have launched a comprehensive policy and action plan to tackle drug addiction in the province.

According to a recent report by Pakistani media outlet Nation, the Health Department of Sindh province and the Sindh Reduction of Drug Demand and Prevention of Drug Abuse Working Group, in collaboration with other partners, have jointly launched a comprehensive policy and action plan to address the increasingly alarming issue of drug addiction in the province.

The new policy, titled “Preventing Drug Abuse, Treatment Policies, and Implementation Plans,” has been announced by the Department of Health Sciences at Tao University, and has received support from the Pakistan Institute for Lifestyle and Learning (PILL) and the University of Manchester.

According to members of the working group and senior mental health expert Dr. Salman Shehzad, the highlights of the new policy include the establishment of a 24/7 helpline, the formation of an anti-tobacco and anti-drug committee, and providing support for rehabilitation centers to enhance public awareness about drug addiction and eliminate stigmatization and discrimination. He emphasized the need to promote collaboration among stakeholders and use it as the foundation for evidence-based research.

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