Spanish Police Arrest Two People for Illegal Production and Distribution of Cannabis


Spanish police arrested two individuals and investigated a company for illegally growing and distributing industrial marijuana using fake certifications.

On November 7th, according to a report by the Spanish news agency Europapress, the Spanish police arrested two individuals and launched an investigation into a company for their alleged involvement in the illegal cultivation and distribution of industrial marijuana using counterfeit regulatory certificates in Lalín and Silleda, among other locations.

According to police investigations, it has been revealed that the gang used these counterfeit European Union certification seed certificates to make their cannabis cultivation business appear legitimate, thereby evading inspections and oversight by the European Union and agricultural authorities.

According to the police investigation, an illegal marijuana grow operation was found in an abandoned hotel and a former chicken farm. Over 200 kilograms of dried and ready-to-be-sold marijuana buds were seized at the scene, along with 703 drying marijuana plants, with an estimated market value of around 500,000 euros.

The suspect has been arrested, one has been released by the police station, while the other is currently released on bail pending trial by the court. They both may face charges related to public health offenses.

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