Spanish Civil Guard Crackdown on Cannabis Production and Trafficking in Nazarí Ordo: What You Need to Know

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Spanish Civil Guard intensifies “Nazarí Ordo” operation, successfully destroying nine marijuana production centers in Granada and making multiple arrests.

According to Elconfidencial, the Spanish Civil Guard is intensifying its efforts to crack down on large-scale marijuana cultivation and trafficking in Granada through the “Nazarí Ordo” operation.

Up to now, nine production centers have been successfully destroyed in Iznalloz, Padul, Guadix, Purullena, Moraleda de Zafayona, and Escúzar. In this operation, a total of 3,472 cannabis plants and 5 kilograms of cannabis products were seized. Additionally, eleven individuals suspected of crimes against public health and fraud have been handed over to the judicial authorities.

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