Small Cigar Sales on the Rise in Russia Thanks to Stable Prices

Rising Sales of Small Cigars in Russia Due to Price Stability

According to a report by Russian media RBC on November 16, the sales of small cigars in Russia have increased by 105.7% in the first nine months of this year compared to the same period last year. Meanwhile, the sales growth for cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco were 4.1% and 6.2% respectively.

In Voronezh, Nikolay Shalygin, the founder of the “Depository 1931” cigar lounge, revealed that the sales of small cigars have increased due to the significant surge of 40-50% in cigar prices this year. While the prices of small cigars have remained relatively stable, the sharp rise in cigar prices has contributed to this rise in sales.

[1] “Альтернатива подорожавшим сигарам – в России резко вырос спрос на сигариллы” (Altrenativa podorozhavshim sigaram – v Rossii rezkо vyros spros na sigarilly)Source link



