Russia’s Initiative: Monitoring the Enforcement of E-cigarette Sales Ban to Minors for Better Compliance

Russia Takes Action: Monitoring the Enforcement of E-cigarette Sales Ban to Minors
Russia’s Youth Parliament has begun nationwide monitoring to ensure effective enforcement of the law banning the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.

On November 29th, according to a report on the official website of the Russian State Duma, the Russian Youth Council has commenced nationwide monitoring to ensure the effective enforcement of the law prohibiting the sale of e-cigarettes to minors.

The move by the Russian Youth Parliament reflects the country’s proactive approach to addressing the issue of underage smoking. This new, comprehensive legislation prohibits the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, further bolstering the nation’s ban on tobacco for young people. In the early stages of implementing this ban, the Russian Youth Parliament will conduct thorough and comprehensive monitoring of its enforcement.

In the future, law enforcement agencies and the public will expect to see this ban enforced nationwide. Parents, educators, and the entire society have long neglected the issue of youth addiction, hoping that this regulation can keep young people away from tobacco and promote healthy growth.

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