Rising Incidence of Chronic Illnesses Persists Despite Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery

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According to Naver on December 7, after three years of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea, the proportion of chronic diseases such as overeating, obesity, and hypertension has increased.

According to a report by Naver on December 7th, despite the resumption of daily life and improvements in sports activities in South Korea after three years of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases such as binge eating, obesity, and hypertension.

The “National Health and Nutrition Survey” is a survey conducted in accordance with the National Health Promotion Law, targeting individuals with an annual income of over 10,000 yuan. It covers over 250 public health indicators, including smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, nutrition, and chronic diseases.

The results indicate that although smoking rates have slightly declined in 2021, alcohol consumption rates have once again risen. Moreover, both men and women have shown an increase in participation in physical activities compared to last year.

The smoking rate among men last year was 36.6%, while it was 7.2% among women. The smoking rate for men remained the same as the previous year, while it decreased by 1.3 percentage points for women. Currently, the prevalence of smoking among men is 30%, while it is 5% among women, representing a decrease of 1.3 and 1.9 percentage points respectively compared to the previous year.

The smoking rate for vaping has seen a slight increase compared to last year, with 5.6% of men and 1.3% of women engaging in this activity. Additionally, there has been a growth in the use of heated tobacco products in the form of e-cigarettes (HNB products) as well. Among men, the usage rate has reached 9.2%, while for women it stands at 2.4%.

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