Revolutionizing Harm Reduction: PMI’s Journey to Innovation and Success

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Philip Morris International (PMI) advocates for harm reduction strategies to combat smoking-related health consequences, according to Branislav Bibic, VP of Africa at PMI.

According to a recent report by the foreign media outlet IOL, Branislav Bibic, Vice President of Africa for Philip Morris International, has stated that history has proven that civilized societies make steady progress through the advancement of innovation. He further explained that due to these innovations, improvements aimed at reducing harm in everyday behavior and activities have now become commonplace.

He pointed out that Philip Morris International company (PMI) advocates for the application of the harm reduction (THR) strategy to known smoking risks. He also emphasized especially that the best choice for any smoker is to completely quit tobacco and nicotine.

He stated that public health institutions, expert organizations, and the general public are increasingly using innovation to address the serious health consequences of smoking. For example, the US FDA has created separate channels for innovative tobacco products that are considered better than cigarettes and has approved their marketing as appropriate alternatives for promoting public health.

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