Proposed New York City Law Bans Smoking Near Parks


New York City council is considering a bill that would ban smoking near parks and playgrounds.

According to a report by Fox5ny on October 30th, the New York City Council is deliberating a bill that aims to prohibit smoking on sidewalks or benches near city parks or playgrounds.

The bill was proposed by Sandra Ung, a representative of the 20th District of Queens. According to the legislation, the bill prohibits “smoking on sidewalks adjacent to parks” and imposes civil fines for violations of this ban, while also increasing civil fines for smoking within parks.

Sandra suggested a $50 fine for first-time offenders, and a $200 fine for each subsequent offense within one year after the initial violation.

The Smoke-Free Air Act in New York City has recently expanded its smoking ban to include hospitals entrances, parks, beaches, and pedestrian plazas. This legislation prohibits the use of any substances, including e-cigarettes and marijuana, in these designated areas, further extending the smoke-free zones.

Kalman Yeger, the representative of Brooklyn, expressed uncertainty regarding the implementation of the ban if the bill is approved.

Fox 5 NY media asked New York citizens for their opinions on the matter. “Speaking for myself, I do not consider smoking to be a nuisance as long as I do not inhale secondhand smoke,” expressed a park visitor.

A pedestrian told Fox 5 NY that “there should be designated smoking areas in public parks. People should have a specified zone where they can smoke.

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