Proposed Ban on All Flavored E-Liquids in Guam

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Guam residents will voice their opinion on a proposed ban on selling all flavored e-liquids in stores this Thursday.

According to the Pacific Daily News on January 2nd, residents of Guam will have the opportunity to voice their opinions this Thursday (January 4th) on a proposal to ban the sale of all flavored e-liquids in stores.

Senator Tom Fisher has proposed the 50th bill, which includes a ban on the sale of fruit-flavored and pastry-flavored e-liquids. Fisher stated that the intention of this ban is to reduce the sale of e-cigarette products to minors.

If Bill 50 becomes law, any retailer that violates the ban will face an initial fine of $500, with subsequent violations resulting in fines of up to $2000. (The ban does not apply to prescription drugs or medical marijuana products.)

According to a report by local health experts in December, children in Guam have the highest rate of e-cigarette use worldwide.

All hearings will be broadcast live on GTA 21 channel, Docomo 117 channel, and YouTube channel.

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