Oregon’s Decision to Uphold Potential Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products Gains Support

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Oregon’s ban on flavored tobacco products may take effect in January 2024, despite ongoing appeals from the tobacco industry.

A ruling by a circuit judge in Multnomah County, Oregon, this week stated that a ban on the sale of flavored tobacco products may go into effect in January 2024, despite the ongoing appeal by the tobacco industry against a previous decision upholding the ban, which is being heard by the Oregon Court of Appeals.

Judge Ben Souede ruled on December 13 that the Oregon Tobacco and E-Cigarette Retailers Association, No Moke Daddy, and Paul Bates have a very low likelihood of winning their appeal and that their appeal lacks factual or legal support. As a result, the ban passed by the Commissioner of Multnomah County in December 2022 can now go into effect.

The ruling in Suede is a significant victory for anti-tobacco advocates, who welcome the court’s decision.

The tobacco industry targets its audience with candy-flavored tobacco products. We commend the judge’s decision to protect future generations in Oregon,” said Brittany Grant, Regional Director of the Western region for the Smoke-Free Kids movement. “Big tobacco companies know that candy, fruit, and mint-flavored tobacco products can be addictive for children. We appreciate the courageous leadership of policy-makers and community leaders in Sonoma County.

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