Malaysian Parliament Achieves Success in Passing the 2023 Public Health and Tobacco Control Bill

Malaysian Parliament Successfully Passes 2023 Public Health and Tobacco Control Bill

Malaysia’s Parliament successfully passed the Public Health and Tobacco Product Control Bill of 2023 on November 30. The bill includes provisions to prohibit the sale and purchase of tobacco products and tobacco alternatives to minors, as well as the provision of any services related to smoking to minors.

Dr. Zaliha Mustafa, the Minister of Health, proposed the bill, which also removed a provision in the Generation Ending Smoking Act (GEG) that prohibited the sale of tobacco products and cigarettes, and the smoking of individuals born on or after January 1, 2007.

The bill, comprising a total of 54 provisions, was introduced on November 28 and underwent a second reading on November 29, deliberated by 27 parliament members. The Malaysia Parliament also passed the Food (Amendment) Act 2023, which seeks to align with the Public Health and Tobacco Control Act 2023.

The reference for this article can be found on [1] Dewan Rakyat passes Control of Smoking Products Bill.
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