Malaysian Opposition Vows Unwavering Backing for 2023 GEG Bill

Malaysian Opposition Promises Full Support for 2023 GEG Bill

The Malaysian opposition has pledged full support for the proposed Public Health Tobacco Control Bill in Parliament, according to a recent report by Utusan. Member of Parliament Ahmad Fadhli Shaari stated that the opposition will fully support and approve the bill if the government presents it seriously in the Lower House of Parliament. He emphasized the importance of promptly introducing the bill to ensure the well-being of future generations and urged the government not to succumb to pressure from individuals who disagree with the proposition of the bill.

[1] Pembangkang jamin sokong, lulus RUU Kawalan Produk Merokok

For more details, please visit the original article at [link to the original article].

**Disclaimer: This article is translated from an original Chinese article by AI. The Chinese original text is the only authoritative source of information.

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