Malawi Takes a Historic Step by Joining the World Health Organization’s FCTC

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Malawi becomes a formal party to the FCTC, the WHO’s tobacco control framework convention, aiming to tackle tobacco-related health issues.

Malawi has now become an official signatory to the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The government approved the “Framework Convention on Tobacco Control” in August 2023, and the treaty came into effect on November 16th.

The World Health Organization’s representative in Malawi, Neema Rusibamayila Kimambo, expressed in a statement, “The World Health Organization congratulates Malawi on this historic milestone and reaffirms its firm commitment to closely collaborate with the government to achieve the common objectives of the WHO Framework Convention.”

The World Health Organization has expressed readiness to provide extensive support to ensure the successful implementation of the convention in Malawi and has welcomed the appointment of a government liaison officer to work closely with the secretariat of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which came into effect in February 2005, is an international treaty aimed at providing coordinated global measures to address the health impacts of tobacco. It also provides specific steps for governments to tackle tobacco use and production issues.

Malawi, a nation heavily reliant on tobacco, generates between 40% to 70% of its export earnings from the tobacco industry.


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