Majority in Survey Favor Legalizing Tobacco Purchases at 18: A Survey Result

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The majority of British people believe that tobacco should be allowed to be purchased by adults aged 18 and over, according to a new survey conducted by advocacy group “Forest”.

According to a recent survey conducted by the smokers’ lobbying group “Forest”, nearly 60% of people in the UK believe that purchasing cigarettes and other tobacco products should be allowed when one reaches the legal age of 18. This information was reported by Tobaccoreporter, a tobacco website, on December 5th.

A recent survey conducted by Yonder Consulting has found that 58% of respondents believe that if an individual is allowed to vote, drive, purchase alcohol, or own a credit card at the age of 18, they should also be permitted to buy tobacco products. Less than a third of respondents (32%) believe that purchasing tobacco should not be allowed at the age of legal adulthood, while 10% stated that they were unsure. Excluding those who were unsure, nearly two-thirds (65%) of respondents believe that the purchase of cigarettes and other tobacco products should be permitted at the age of 18.

Forest is urging the government not to implement a regulation that prohibits future generations from purchasing tobacco, but instead emulate the approach taken by New Zealand’s new center-right government, which has announced the repeal of a similar generation-based sales ban introduced by the previous administration.

Simon Clark, the head of Forest, has stated, “Once you reach the legal age of adulthood, you should be treated as an adult and allowed to purchase tobacco, if that is your choice.”

The government has responded to proposals for further regulations on e-cigarette products in its consultancy.

Forest calls on the government not to ban disposable e-cigarettes, which would subject e-cigarettes to goods taxation or restrict their promotion and display in shops.

Clark said that e-cigarettes are a success story of the free market.

“Millions of smokers who want to quit have successfully turned to e-cigarettes and other reduced-risk products, including heated tobacco and nicotine pouches,” he said.

He stated that the issue of children using e-cigarettes should not be addressed by further restricting e-cigarettes, but rather by enforcing existing age restrictions and punishing retailers who illegally sell e-cigarettes to children.

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