Louisiana Introduces New E-cigarette Regulations to Safeguard Youth

New E-cigarette Regulations in Louisiana Aim to Protect Young People
Louisiana’s new e-cigarette regulations, including a tax increase and product registration, aim to protect youth from harmful products.

According to a report from local media outlet Tulanehullabaloo on December 6th, new e-cigarette regulations have been passed in the state of Louisiana, which include the prohibition of Elf Bar, Puff Bar, and Esco Bar products that failed to gain approval.

As part of the 414 Bill, an increase in tax rates has been implemented on “consumable nicotine liquid solutions” or vapor products containing nicotine, which came into effect in July.

Starting from October 1st, every e-cigarette manufacturer must register their products to the Alcohol and Tobacco Control Office in the state of Louisiana. In order to keep their products on the market, manufacturers can only do so by proving that their products have been on the market prior to 2016 or by obtaining approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

According to Ernest Legier, the director of Louisiana’s alcohol and tobacco regulatory agency, in an interview, he stated that this law aims to protect young people from the harmful effects of products on their health.

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