Legal Marijuana Sales in the Netherlands: A New Initiative

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Dutch coffee shops are starting to sell legally grown cannabis in a new move to control marijuana trade.

According to a recent report by Vanguardia, the Netherlands has initiated a new approach to regulate the trade of marijuana. Some coffee shops in Dutch cities are now experimenting with selling legally cultivated cannabis. This marks a significant departure from the traditional model in the Netherlands, which has historically tolerated the purchase and sale of small quantities of marijuana but prohibited commercial cultivation.

Derrick Bergman, Chairman of the Alliance for the Repeal of Cannabis Prohibition, has expressed optimism toward this development, emphasizing that it represents a significant step in the right direction. Essentially, this experiment aims to provide “quality control” for cannabis sold in legal cafés and curb the activities of illegal growers.

This initiative, starting from 2017, also aims to provide accurate information about the origins and quality of marijuana, as well as informing consumers about the effects and health risks of marijuana use.

Dutch Health Minister Ernst Kuipers visited the city of Breda to personally draft this experiment. The initial phase of the experiment will take place in two cities, with plans to expand to 11 municipalities nationwide after six months.

Bergman stated that the number of coffee shops across the country has significantly decreased in recent years, dropping from around 2000 during its peak period to only 565. The proposed regulations aim not only to address the quality and source issues of cannabis products but also to restrict the activities of illegal cultivators.

While the Netherlands was the first country in the 1970s to legalize the use of cannabis, in recent years, it has adopted a more conservative approach by shutting down coffee shops in Amsterdam and prohibiting the consumption of marijuana in the city’s historical center.

This experiment represents a significant step in the evolution of the Dutch marijuana policy and is expected to provide valuable insights into the feasibility and effectiveness of regulating marijuana trade.

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