Indonesian Presidential Candidate Exploring Potential of Tobacco Downstream in Central Java

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Ganjar Pranowo, Indonesian presidential candidate, explores the potential for tobacco downstreaming in Klaten, Central Java.

According to Indonesian media outlet ANTARA’s report on December 27th, presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo discussed the possibility of enhancing downstream research on tobacco during his visit to Warehouse 45 in Klaten Regency, Central Java. The aim is to explore the potential of transforming tobacco into various products beyond cigarettes, such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

According to a report by ANTARA on November 23rd, Pranowo visited Kraden directly to gather insights from farmers, entrepreneurs, and the local community regarding tobacco products. He stated that as long as there is research, we can use tobacco for any purpose. He hopes that tobacco farmers in Kraden can learn from certain regions in Central Java, which are able to export high-quality tobacco and make it a major product in the agricultural sector.

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