Indonesia Government’s Efforts to Promote Smoke-Free Zones for Achieving Targets

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Indonesian government actively promotes smoke-free zones, organizing an international tobacco research event to reduce smoking consumption.

According to a report from tvOnenews website, the Indonesian government is actively pushing forward with its smoke-free zone policy in order to achieve its set objectives. As a part of their efforts towards this goal, a university in Surabaya hosted the International Tobacco Research Network (ITCRN) event for 2023, which featured several prominent guests. The event attracted hundreds of student activists who are against smoking, providing them with a platform for deep reflection and discussion on the latest research findings in hopes of reducing tobacco consumption and creating a healthier environment for future generations. Dr. Abdillah Ahsan, the coordinator of the Indonesia Tobacco Research Network (ITRN) and the head of the Population Institute at Febr UI, led the event, offering a comprehensive explanation of the progress of smoke-free zones in Indonesia. “The smoke-free zone is not just a trend but also an urgent necessity, aiming to enhance the quality of public life,” he explained in detail. Next up is Dr. Santi Martini, Chairperson of the Health Education Society in East Java, who discussed the progress of smoke-free zones in East Java. Their research indicates that altering tobacco tax policies did not have a significant impact on tobacco purchasing and consumption.

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