Curitiba City Council Approves Expansion of Smoking Ban

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Curitiba City Council expands anti-smoking law to include e-cigarettes; approved with 19 in favor, 7 against, and 1 abstention.

According to Brazilian media reports on November 28th, the Curitiba City Council has initiated a vote aimed at expanding the scope of the anti-smoking legislation.

The legislation, which came into effect in 2009, even before federal regulations, prohibits the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products in enclosed urban settings. The proposal specifically states that this ban also applies to electronic smoking devices (DEFs), commonly referred to as e-cigarettes.

According to reports, the project will explicitly include the mention of electronic smoking devices in the Curitiba Anti-Smoking Bill during its implementation.

In addition, it has been stipulated that in both public and private communal settings, even in partially enclosed areas, signage that prohibits smoking must also include a mention of electronic devices. This initiative was approved with a vote of 19 in favor, 7 against, and 1 abstention.

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