Coventry Store Ordered to Close for Illegally Selling Tobacco and E-cigarettes

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Coventry store ordered to close for three months for illegal tobacco and e-cigarette sales, warns city council.

According to a report on the official website of Coventry City Council in the United Kingdom on December 18th, a store in Coventry has been found to be selling illegal tobacco and e-cigarette products following an investigation by the local government. As a result, the store has been ordered to shut down for a period of three months.


This store is the second in Coventry city to be issued a closure order for selling illicit tobacco, and the first to be served a closure order for selling illegal e-cigarettes.


Despite previous warnings and requests for interviews, the store has continued to sell illegal tobacco and e-cigarettes. As a result, the city government’s trade standards team has sought a closure order from the court, which was approved on Monday, December 18, 2023.


The low prices of these products weaken the price deterrent for child smoking, prompting them to start smoking at an earlier age. The existence of stores selling illegal tobacco not only contributes to anti-social behavior but also brings problems to the local community, as these stores often attract large groups of young people.


City officials and the cabinet member responsible for public safety, Abdul Salam Khan, expressed satisfaction with the court’s support for their closure order, which marks the second time the municipal government has issued such a directive to prohibit the sale of illegal tobacco and the first time it extends to e-cigarettes.


He emphasized that this decision was not made lightly, but rather as a result of a lengthy investigation and warnings issued to store owners.


The illegal sale of tobacco products and e-cigarettes in many communities is causing numerous negative impacts. Our action serves as a warning to all individuals involved in this trade that we will utilize all available resources to protect the residents of our city.


The store has been ordered to completely shut down for a period of three months, and no one is allowed to enter or stay inside the premises.

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