Colombian Government Seeks to Amend Anti-Tobacco Law to Protect Minors


Colombian government seeks to revise the 2009 Anti-Tobacco Law as 25% of e-cigarette users are minors, according to Dane.

According to a report from Asuntoslegales on October 27th, based on statistical data from Dane, 25% of e-cigarette users are underage. As a result, the Colombian government is seeking to amend Law No. 1335 from 2009.

In Colombia, at least six bills have been submitted to Congress attempting to amend the 2009 Act No. 1335, also known as the anti-tobacco law, or to modify police regulations to restrict sales to minors.

For instance, the draft bill by Senators Norma Hurtado and José David Name aims to regulate electronic nicotine systems, nicotine-free systems, and heated tobacco products in Bill No. 1335 in order to reduce potential health risks.

Their proposal focuses on regulating the consumption, sale, advertising, and promotion of e-cigarettes, as well as tobacco products, nicotine-free systems, and heated tobacco products. Additionally, they aim to establish related health and education programs to reduce consumption and dependency. As a result, the bill requires buyers to present identification, following the current practice for alcohol, cigarettes, and medications, in an attempt to restrict sales to minors. According to data from Dane buyers, 25% of consumers are under 18 years old.

The project also aims to warn about the potential addiction that may arise when selling these devices, and develop guidelines for conducting educational programs for minors in the country to prevent their consumption and encourage them to quit such behavior. Due to existing regulations being inadequate, some schools have proactively banned and controlled the use of these devices among female students, male students, and teenagers.

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