Bromsgrove Council Supports LGA’s Call to Ban Disposable E-Cigarettes


Worcestershire County Council unanimously supports LGA’s call to ban disposable e-cigarettes, citing risks of waste and underage use.

According to a report by the Bromsgrove Standard on November 13th, Worcestershire MPs unanimously voted in support of the Local Government Association’s (LGA) stance to ban disposable e-cigarettes during the November parliamentary session. The LGA argues that an immediate ban is crucial in order to mitigate the risk of a surge in these products flooding into the UK, following the proposed EU ban set to take effect in December this year and in 2026.

In addition, disposable e-cigarettes have been accused of posing a threat to garbage and waste collection, thereby causing garbage trucks to catch fire.

Karen May, a member of the Health and Welfare Cabinet of the Westshire County Council, stated during a discussion on e-cigarette issues that the advocacy for smoking bans has received bipartisan support. They are particularly concerned about the phenomenon of non-smokers starting to smoke and the accessibility of e-cigarettes to young people.

Furthermore, the parliament has made significant progress in dealing with the issue of youth e-cigarette usage and continues to strengthen its enforcement efforts. This year, the county’s trade standards team has successfully confiscated 12,000 illegal e-cigarettes and curtailed countless more sales.

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