Argentine Authorities Uncover Marijuana Lab and Production Facility

Argentine Police Seize Marijuana Lab and Derivative Factory
Argentine police discovered a marijuana lab and product factory in Tafí Viejo, confiscating over 100 plants and various marijuana products.

According to a report by Contextotucuman on December 6, Argentine police discovered a marijuana cultivation laboratory and its derivative products factory in Tafí Viejo.

During a residential raid in Tafí Viejo, the police seized over 100 different-sized marijuana plants, along with a firearm, 50 bags of shredded marijuana weighing 10 kilograms each, nine mobile phones, and various amounts of cash.

Within this residence, there is also a cannabis laboratory and a business that produces various cannabis-derived products. These products range from psychoactive medications, oils, makeup removers, shampoos, lubricating gels, anti-aging products, pain-relieving gels, facial exfoliators, e-liquid soaps, conditioners, and even jams.

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