Argentina Holds 14th National Cannabis March To Protest Criminalization

Argentina Holds 14th National Cannabis March To Protest Criminalization


Argentina holds its 14th National Cannabis March, advocating for the decriminalization of marijuana and highlighting its various uses.

According to a report by Pagina12, Argentina held the 14th National Marijuana March, where various social organizations, citizen groups, marijuana cultivators, and users joined forces to raise awareness about the diverse uses of marijuana. They also protested against the criminalization of marijuana by the judicial and police system. The main slogan of the protest was “Stop incriminating based on marijuana.

They believe that despite the progress made by laws such as the Medical Marijuana Act No. 27.350 and the Medical and Industrial Cannabis Production Act No. 27.669, these regulations have yet to reflect the actual situation of cannabis culture still being criminalized.

A nationwide protest is taking place amidst the growth of the marijuana industry, advocating for an end to the incarceration of marijuana cultivators.

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