New Smoking Restrictions Implemented in Yura Region, Russia

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New smoking restrictions in Russia’s Югра region prohibit smoking at bus stops and within 15 meters, among other areas.

According to a news report by Russian television on January 1, 2024, Natalya Komarova, the regional leader of Yugra, Russia, has signed a resolution to implement stricter smoking restrictions.

A new resolution has outlined a revised definition of smoking areas, including a ban on smoking at bus stops and within a 15-meter radius around them. Additionally, parks, squares, and waterfront areas have been designated as non-smoking zones, unless there are designated smoking areas specifically set up.

In addition, underground parking lots, underground and covered pedestrian walkways, as well as open-air large-scale events have been explicitly designated as non-smoking areas. The new smoking ban policy has been fully implemented in the Yugra region to ensure citizens enjoy clean air.

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