Crackdown on Illegal Cigarettes in Gwent County Leads to Success

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Gwent Police successfully conducted a major crackdown on illegal cigarettes in central Newport, resulting in significant results.

On December 11th, according to Yahoo News, Gwent Police in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom, carried out a large-scale operation targeting illegal cigarettes in the center of Newport, resulting in a significant reduction in the street sale of illegal cigarettes.

The police mobilized manpower and conducted a thorough search along Commercial Road in Newport City. After a meticulous investigation of three properties and four vehicles, they finally obtained an exciting outcome.

The seamless collaboration between Peal Community Law Enforcement Officers and the Newport City Government’s Urban Trade Standards Bureau led to the success of this operation. A significant amount of illicit cigarettes and tobacco were successfully seized and promptly removed from all the aforementioned locations.

The successful announcement was made by the Gwent County Police Department’s officer, Newport Police, on their social media platform at 3:45 pm. This represents a significant blow to the illegal cigarette network, highlighting the police’s dedication to protecting citizens’ health and maintaining public order.

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