2024 Inflation Calculation to Include E-cigarette Devices: Impact on Economic Consumer Trends

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Indonesia’s Central Statistics Agency announces inclusion of e-cigarette devices in inflation calculation due to significant consumption.

According to an article published by the Indonesian media outlet REPUBLICA on December 12th, the Central Bureau of Statistics in Indonesia (BPS) announced that e-cigarette devices will be included in the inflation calculation for the year 2024. This decision has been made due to the significant proportion of the population that is consuming these products.

Pudji Ismartini, the Deputy Director of Distribution Statistics at the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS), said, “Changes in societal consumption patterns have resulted in the inclusion of new goods in the calculation of inflation.”

According to the baseline year set by the 2022 cost of living survey, the city of Ismatini has added a list of 89 new products, including masks, e-cigarette devices, and e-cigarette liquid.

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